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Edition 52September 8, 2023

This is our 52nd edition of OverUnder, which means we've been doing this for 1 straight year. We hope you've enjoyed the journey.

Saudi Arabia invests in the PFL

The investment: SRJ Sports Investments, a subsidiary of Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, had invested $100 Million into the Professional Fighters League, becoming a minority owner. A lot more money could be coming into the PFL from Saudi Arabia in the future.

What this means: This has the potential to shake up the mixed martial arts world forever. Saudi Arabia has spent $6.3 Billion on sports since 2021, including on WWE, Formula One racing, soccer, golf, and more. The Saudis virtually have a bottomless bank account that can completely disrupt MMA's free agency, like they've done in other sports.

Mark Zuckerberg vs. Elon Musk is dead

The news: Dana White revealed on OutKick the Morning that the proposed fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk is 'probably not' happening. Dana was confident about this fight before, but that's changed now.

Why? It looks like this came down to Elon Musk, who didn't want this fight to take place under the UFC umbrella. Mark Zuckerberg wanted the fight to take place in the UFC and has been training in martial arts for the past few years. This was a fun discussion over the past few months, but it's over now.

Manel Kape and Israel Adesanya went at it at the UFC 293 press conference

What happened: Manel Kape was talking smack to Adesanya's teammate Kai Kara-France, who he was supposed to fight on this card. Adesanya is a proud teammate and started to talk smack back to Kape, calling him a 'midget'.

Kape's frustration: 5 of his last 6 scheduled fights have been canceled, leading to frustration. Fighting Kai Kara-France in Australia was a big deal for Kape, as a win would have likely secured him a title shot.

Dillon Danis is getting sued by Logan Paul's girlfriend

Why? You know why. Dillon Danis has posted hundreds of pictures of Nina Agdal online with a bunch of different guys. Dillon is promoting his upcoming fight against Logan Paul and has become an internet sensation by doing so.

The lawsuit: Agdal is seeking $150k in damages from Danis for posting private explicit pictures that break federal law and filed a restraining order. She's alleging that the photos and videos that Danis is posting were hacked from her private Snapchat account.

Dana White is not sure if Dricus Du Plessis will get the next title shot

What he said: "You know how much I love guys who turn down fights. I don't know. We'll see what happens Saturday, and then we'll go from there." Dana doesn't like the fact that DDP turned down this fight against Adesanya at UFC 293.

The reality: If Adesanya defeats Sean Strickland, it's pretty much guaranteed that Adesanya will fight DDP next. Adesanya has put himself in a position where he calls the shots. He's said himself that a fight against DDP would be 'one of the most important fights in sporting history'.

UFC partners with Prohibet to monitor prohibited betting activity

What's Prohitbet? An online monitoring company to prevent fighters and their camps from illegal betting on fights. Under the partnership, the UFC will send a list of people prohibited from betting on fights to an encrypted platform maintained by Prohibet. An alert is sent to the UFC and online bookmakers when Prohibet determines a prohibited user may be involved in betting.

Why? The James Krause betting scandal last November caused this. The UFC went felt major consequences from this scandal, including Ontario banning the betting of UFC fights for months.

EA Sports announces the cover fighters for UFC 5

The cover fighters: UFC Featherweight Champion Alex Volkanovski and former Flyweight Champion Valentina Shevhcneko, will grace the cover of UFC 5.

The deluxe edition: The deluxe edition will feature Israel Adesanya, who was also on the cover of UFC 4. Adesanya joins Conor McGregor as the only fighters in history to grace the cover of a UFC video game twice.

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