UFC 297 Results

UFC 297 Results

January 20, 2024|

The first pay-per-view of 2024 is finally here. UFC 297 goes down tonight at the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Canada, with huge implications in the main event. Sean Strickland (28-5) will attempt for his first Middleweight title defense against rising South African Dricus Du Plessis (20-2). These two expressed their desire to go to war, and fans should expect violence, for however long this fight lasts.

In the co-main event, Raquel Pennington (15-8) and Mayra Bueno Silva (10-2-1) will fight for the vacant Bantamweight title.

The early prelims will be live on ESPN+ at 6:30 PM EST, the prelims will be on ESPN/ESPN+ at 8:00 PM EST, and the main card will be available for purchase on PPV at 10:00 PM EST. Follow along as we provide live round-by-round results for each fight on this stacked card in Canada.

Malcom Gordon vs Jimmy Flick

Division: Flyweight

Referee: Todd Anderson

Round 1: Both fighters come out extremely active, Flick shoots a takedown and misses, engage in clinch. Gordon suplexes Flick and maintains top position. Gordon rains down ground and pound to the crowds cheer, Flick sets up a deep arm triangle and holds. Gordon punches from the top despite being locked in a choke. Flick lets go of the submission. Gordon continues to maintain a dominant position. Gordon sets up a guillotine with Flick working on a Von Flue choke until the round ends.

Round 2: Gordon continues to push the pace on the feet, likely winning round one. Gordon rocks Flick and wobbles him. Malcom overthrows on a right hand and Flick takes him down, immediately setting up an arm triangle with four minutes remaining. Gordon taps!

Result: Jimmy Flick by Submission Round 2


Jasmine Jasudavicius vs Pricila Cachoeira

Division: Women's Bantamweight

Referee: Matthew Rocca

Round 1: Cachoeira starts off with a blitz forward, landing a few big shots. Jasudavicius lands a takedown. Cachoeira fights to get up until she eventually accepts bottom position. Jasudavicius starts to rain down ground and pound with Cachoeria's arms trapped. Prichilla is defensless and attempts to scramble but she is left on her back with Jasmine in full mount. A short break ensues but Jasudavicius goes back to the ground and pound. Cuts open up on Cachoeira's face and she tries to get up with no luck. Jasudavicius lands a few nasty elbows and maintains top position until the end of the round. Very dominant round by the Canadian.

Round 2: Cachoeira comes out aggressive and is stalking Jasudavicius. Jasmine lands a huge right hand that knocks Cachoeira down! Jasmine is on top and continues with the ground and pound. Jasudavicius sets up a d'arce choke that looks very tight. Cachoeria is a bloody mess but survives the submission attempt. Jasudavicius tries again with a very tight squeeze but eventually lets go to go back to the ground and pound. Very dominant performance thusfar from Jasmine Jasudavicius, could very well be looking at two 10-8 rounds.

Round 3: Cachoeira looks very defeated coming off the stool for the third round. Cachoeria stuffs a takedown from Jasudavicius but is clearly tired with her hands low. Jasmine shoots again but with no luck. After a few more takedown attempts, Jasudavicius finally lands one and starts off in half mount. Jasmine gets Pricilla into a crucifix position and is raining down ground and pound with the referee closely looking at the action. Blood is pouring out of Cachoeira's face, this is a beatdown by Jasmine Jasudavicius. Jasmine sets up an anaconda choke and Pricilla taps! What a performance from the Canadian!

Result: Jasmine Jasudavicius by Submission Round 3

Yohan Lainesse vs Sam Patterson

Division: Welterweight

Referee: Brian E. Beauchamp

Round 1: Both open up circling the octagon, Lainesse looks to be the aggressor early. Both clinch and Patterson threatens a guillotine and brings Lainesse to the ground. Patterson throws up a rear naked choke and Lainesse taps.

Result: Sam Patterson by Submission Round 1


Gillian Robertson vs Polyana Viana

Division: Women's Strawweight

Referee: Kevin MacDonald

Round 1: Both start out by engaging on the feet. Viana lands some hard punches but Roberston takes her down with ease. Robertson passes from half mount into a three-quarter mount and is immediately working the left arm of Viana. She's looking for a straight arm-bar and mixing in kimura attempts but nothing comes of it. Viana has Robertson's left leg trapped and is not showing any attempt to get back to her feet. Robertson passes into side mount and transitions into full mount. Viana gives up her back and Robertson rains down some ground and pound. Robertson sets up a beautiful arm triangle and Viana is in deep trouble. Somehow Viana survives but Robertson takes her back with one hook in and looking to either do more damage or finish the fight. Robertson threatens with a rear naked choke and then into an armbar. Viana has shown fantastic submission defense in this first round but Robertson takes it easily.

Round 2: Robertson lands a hard leg kcik to open up the round. Viana fires back with a combination, and she seems to have the advantage on the feet, doing more with her striking. Robertson shoots a takedown and gets it. Robertson works between full and back mount and is landed a lot of shots on top. Doing excellent work on the ground, which is her bread and butter. Viana seems to have no ability to get back to her feet. Robertson continues to throw huge shots and the referee stops the fight.

Result: Gillian Robertson by Knockout Round 2

Serhiy Sidey vs Ramon Taveras

Division: Bantamweight

Referee: Todd Anderson

Round 1: Taveras opens with a pistol left hand and both circle the octagon intensely. Sidey tries to level change with no success and the two break. Taveras lands a hard leg kick. Sidey fires back with a one-two and a high kick that was blocked. Taveres fires with a huge body shot which sends Sidey to the ground. Taveras looks to be countering Sidey's shots. Taveras lands a hard left hand, he seems to be baiting Sidey into that left hand because it's connected a few times. Taveras lands a huge combination that wobbles Sidey but he is saved by the bell. Taveras likely wins round one.

Round 2: Taveras goes back to work with the combimations to the head and body. Sidey starts to work in the wrestling but is unsuccessful with two takedowns. Sidey rocks Taveras and he is on the retreat. Blood starts to come out of Sidey's nose and head. Taveras drops Sidey with a one two! Blood is really coming out of Sidey's face, likely a broken nose. These two are really slugging it out. Sidey lands a huge body shot and a hook that lands hard on Taveras. Sidey lands a well-timed head kick. Despite Sidey wearing a lot of damage, he is clearly on the attack on Taveras. He's landed a few really good shots and seems to have controlled this round. Just unreal pressure for the last few minutes until the bell. Could be 1-1.

Round 3: The crowd is rallying behind Sidey in this third round. Sidey has Taveras' timing and continues to pressure. Taveras counters with a nice combination. Sidey lands another leg kick, somthing that he's done a great job of this fight. Sidey traps Taveras into a corner but Taveras slips and moves away. Taveras throws a left hand that connects. Sidey throws a flying knee that entertains the crowd. Very close third round going into the final bell and the fight ends with both men swinging. Great fight.

Result: Ramon Taveras by Split Decision


Charles Jourdain vs Sean Woodson

Division: Featherweight

Referee: Jarin Belel

Round 1: Slow pace to open up the first round, both Jourdain and Woodson are carefullt picking their shots. Jourdain doing a nice job of landed and then being out of reach of Woodson's counter. Jourdain lands a nice overhand that connects on Woodson's chin. Both getting steady reads of eachother. Woodson lands a nice combo and works in some body strikes. Woodson lands a flush knee up the middle that connects.

Round 2: Jourdain charges at Woodson to open up round two. Woodson just seems unfazed at the attack of Jourdain and is doing a good job of keeping this fight at range. Woodson lands a nice one-two. Jourdain shoots a single leg but is unsuccessful. Jourdain breaks with a spinning back elbow that lands. Jourdain seems to be struggling with this very long reach that Woodson has and is not able to close the distance. Jourdain ends the round with a right high kick but should be another round that goes to Sean Woodson.

Round 3: Jourdain continues to be very aggresive and is fighting hard to land on Woodson. Jourdain lands a nice right hand and shoots for a takedown. The length of Woodson has proven to be very difficult for Charles Jourdain to take down. Both are swinging in the pocket and have shown no signs of slowing down. Very action packed fight but it seems Woodson is getting the better of the striking exchanges. Jourdain finds a tight guillotine but Woodson pops out just in time for the end of the round.

Result: Sean Woodson by Split Decision

Brad Katona vs Garrett Armfield

Division: Bantamweight

Referee: Kevin MacDonald

Round 1: Armfield starts out and lands a shot that sends Katona stumbling backwards. Very slow pace, and a groin strike from Katona stops the action. The fight continues and Armfield lands a nice right hand. Armfield lands another nice overhand. Katona has struggled to get anything going thusfar but then lands his first quality combination of the fight. Armfield with another nice overhand on Brad Katona. Katona threatens with a well time takedown attempt but can't get Armfield down. Katona tries for another takedown and succeeds. Lands a nice knee to the head as Armfield gets back to his feet. Katona pushing against the cage working aggressively to get Garret Armfield down as the first round ends.

Round 2: Katona starts with a big overhand but misses. Armfield looks very sharp early and is getting the better of the striking exchanges. Katona seems to be more aggressive in this round and is pushing the pace. Armfield lands a very well timed overhand and then a head kick. Katona lands a takedown in the final minute but Armfield quickly gets back up to his feet.

Round 3: This is a very even fight as we go into round three. Both engage in the clinch and Brad Katona lands a very nice trip. Armfield quickly back to his feet. Both fighters continue to push the pace here, and a nice right hand from Katona lands. Armfield looks up at the clock as Brad presses forward. Katona lands another takedown and maintains top pressure. Armfield gets up and looks very tired in the last minute of the fight. Armfield shoots a takedown in the last seconds of the fight.

Result: Garrett Armfield by Unanimous Decision


Arnold Allen vs Movsar Evloev

Division: Featherweight

Referee: Marc Goddard

Round 1: Movsar throws a right high kick but it's blocked. Arnold Allen quickly finding the target on multiple occasions. Allen lands a nice body shot on Evloev. Allen lands another. Evloev shoots on a single leg but excellent take down defense by Allen. Huge confidence booster for Arnold Allen. Evloev lands a big right hand. Evloev shoots again and immediately takes Allen down. Allen scrambles out but a rolling exchange finds Movsar threatening up against the fence. Movsar scoops Allen down multiple times at the end of the round.

Round 2: Allen continues to attack the body of Evloev. Arnold has been countering very effectively and looks to throw power shots after Evloev throws. Evloev gets a takedown at the halfway point of the round. Allen gets back up quickly. Evloev lands a flying knee that partially connects but Allen continues to fire back offense. Evloev lands a right hand that cuts Arnold Allen. Evloev smells blood and is pressing forward.

Round 3: Allen clearly needs a finish as he is likely down 2-0. Allen looks a little tired but Evloev looks very fresh. Arnold lands a three punch combination that captures the attention of the crowd. Movsar threatens a takedown but Allen gets caught with an illegal knee that stops the action. Evloev is cut badly but will remain in the fight, and Allen is given a hard warning from the referee. Evloev is aggressive with the takedowns but good defense from Arnold Allen. Allen threatens a ninja choke but an excellent job by Evloev to escape. The fight ends with Allen charging a bloodied Evloev.

Result: Movsar Evloev by Unanimous Decision

Chris Curtis vs Marc-Andre Barriault

Division: Middleweight

Referee: Todd Anderson

Round 1: Curtis and Barriault come out with a slow pace through the first minute. Curtis starts to attack the lead leg of Barriault. Barriault lands a sharp right hand that connects, and then a powerful body kick. Very low output from Chris Curtis through this first round, seems to only be looking to counter. The pace picks up within the last minute but nothing significant through round one.

Round 2: Higher pace in this opening minute of round two. A cut opens up on Barriault's nose after some work by Curtis. Chris is beginning to land and push the pace more. Clear to many that Barriault is slowing down and not utilizing his cardio. Referee did not catch onto an accidental clash of heads, which Curtis protests. Could be 1-1 after two.

Round 3: Barriault comes out of the gate with forward pressure and both are exchanging in the pocket aggressively. Curtis lands a flush left hand and the action continues on. By far the most entertaining round of the fight. Barriault presses forward with a cheer from the crowd and he's looking to seriously land. Elbows are exchanged. A very exciting end to the round, this fight is extremely close.

Result: Chris Curtis by Unanimous Decision


Neil Magny vs Mike Malott

Division: Welterweight

Referee: Kevin MacDonald

Round 1: Mike Malott attacking the lead leg from the get go, throwing several hard leg kicks on Magny. Malott over extends on an overhand and Magny clinches. Malott breaks away and continues to press forward. Malott over extends on a high kick and Magny immediately clinches. Magny blitzes forward and then eats another hard leg kick that clearly affected him. The damage on the left leg of Magny is piling up as the first round ends.

Round 2: Malott goes right back to the leg of Magny who fails to provide an answer for them. After a sloppy exchange Malott secures a takedown which Magny scrambles back up from. Malott engages in the clinch and trips Magny down to the ground, and starts hammering some ground-and-pound strikes down. Malott transitions to mount and tries to pour it on, but Magny ties him up well. Malott finishes the first round in mount, landing more ground strikes.

Round 3: Magny presses forward but is greeted with an immediate takedown from Mike Malott. Malott being ultra aggressive on top, threatening with a guillotine but Magny escapes. The fight gets back to the feet but Malott is looking for another takedown and gets it by lifting Magny's leg over his head. Neil Magny does not have an answer for Mike Malott on the ground and continues to get dominated. Magny flips the switch and lands a takedown of his own on Malott. Magny gets into full nount and takes Malott's back. Mike Malott is exhausted and Magny is pounding Mike Malott. The referee stops it! This was a fight in the bag for Mike Malott but gassed out and Neil Magny steals the win.

Result: Neil Magny by Knockout Round 3

Raquel Pennington vs Mayra Bueno Silva

Division: Women's Bantamweight

Referee: Jarin Belel

Round 1: Pennington opens up with a body kick, and the two press against the cage. Bueno Silva seems to be looking for a takedown within the first minute of the fight, but they break. Some initial damage on the lead leg of Pennington. Bueno Silva lands a clean elbow in the clinch, and she presses forward. Bueno Silva shoots a takedown and gets it and goes to take the back of Pennington looking for hooks. Silva is threatening a rear naked choke and is battling the hands. Bueno Silva gets another takedown and the fight stays there for the rest of the round.

Round 2: Pennington comes out aggresively on the feet and is pushing the pace immediately. Bueno Silva clinches up against the fence, Pennington reverses position and pushes Bueno Silva against the fence. Pennington breaks and lands a combination. They clinch again and Bueno Silva is attacking the takedown. Mayra is landing body shots and they break. Pennington lands a few huge shots that hurts Bueno Silva. Pennington is really having a lot of success with good boxing. Bueno Silva takes Pennington's back against the fence and locks in a rear naked choke that's not under the chin. Pennington breaks free and drops to the floor.

Round 3: It's clear that Pennington finds her success on the feet and vice versa for Bueno Silva on the ground. Pennington is going forward with combinations but they clinch up against the fence. Pennington lands a few knees to the body in the clinch. Bueno Silva lands a takedown and Pennington gets back up to her feet. Bueno Silva threatens a guillotine but slips out. Mayra lands a flush elbow. Largely a clinch battle between these two half way into this fight. Bueno Silva lands another takedown but Pennington finds her way on top. Back to the feet. Pennington finds her way on top and finishes the round in top position.

Round 4: Momentum is trending in the direction of Raquel Pennington as Bueno Silva looks very tired. Pennington immediately throws a Superman punch to kick off round four. Pennington clinches to the dismay of her corner. Silva reverses position and gets a takedown. Silva locks in a rear naked choke and Pennington escapes and ends up on top. Bueno Silva threatens with submission attempts, specially a triangle choke. Pennington will end up on top as the fourth round ends.

Round 5: Pennington likely has the lead into the fifth round, and the fighters clinch near the cage. Bueno Silva drops to the ground and Pennington on top. Pennington is setting up an arm triangle choke and has it locked in position. Pennington holds that position for several minutes and lets go. The remainder of the fight stays on the ground.

Result: Raquel Pennington by Unanimous Decision


Sean Strickland vs Dricus Du Plessis

Division: Middleweight

Referee: Marc Goddard

Round 1: The champion takes the enter of the octagon and lands a few jabs. Both fighters keeping the center and exchanging but nothing significant. Du Plessis lands a powerful body kick. Du Plessis tries to go up high but Strickland blocks it. Strickland is doing a nice job with the jab and a small cut opens up on Dricus. Dricus shoots for a takedown and takes the champion down. Sean gets back to his feet but Dricus drags him down again. Sean continues to land the jab but Dricus tags Sean up high with a kick. The round ends with Sean tagging Dricus.

Round 2: Dricus fires with an over hand right and attempts a leg kick to open round two. Du Plessis throws a spinning back fist. Dricus seems to be struggling with the jab of Sean Strickland. Du Plessis lands a few body shots but can't sem to find the head of Strickland. Du Plessis lands another left hook on the champion and shoots for a takedown. Strickland is cut above the right eye but gets back to his feet. Good round for the challenger.

Round 3: Dricus has serious swelling on his left eye and it is closing fast. Du Plessis lands a left high kick. Dricus is pressing forward this round and pushing the pace on Sean. He's not landing much but he's getting closer to connecting. Great movement shown by Sean Strickland. Dricus fakes a takedown and lands an overhand.

Round 4: Du Plessis hypes up the crowd prior to the start of the fourth round, likely up on the socrecards. Dricus shoots but Sean stuffs it. More blood is coming from the face of the champ. More exchanges but Dricus lands another takedown. Sean is really cut above the left eye. Du Plessis lands a big right hand and another one-two. Du Plessis has clear control of this round and lands another takedown. Sean retaliates with a one-two.

Round 5: Dricus could very well be up 3-1 on the scorecards and has done a great job of making adjustments throughout the fight. Strickland lands a good punch and Dricus throws back a kick. Du Plessis attempts a takedown but Strickland stuffs it. Pressing forward, Du Plessis lands a big right hand. The two go back and forth in the center of the octagon with the crowd rallying both of them. Throwing huge shots now. Strickland lands a massive right hand. They both are wildly throwing until the end of the round. Fantastic fight.

Result: Dricus Du Plessis by Split Decision