Verdict Community

Joining the Community


UFC Lead Commentator Jon Anik on Verdict MMA
UFC Lead Commentator Jon Anik on Verdict MMA

The Verdict Community

We’re the most active community in mixed martial arts. All members of the Verdict Community have the ability to score fights in real-time and contribute to the Verdict Scorecard, which has become the most trusted Scorecard in MMA. No community in combat sports has a stronger voice than the Verdict Community.

Where the Verdict Community lives

Where the Verdict Community lives
Where the Verdict Community lives

We're a global community that resides in 55 countries worldwide. The community has a significant population in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Joining the community through our mobile apps on iOS and Android

Khamzat is happier when he's on Verdict
Khamzat is happier when he's on Verdict

You can download Verdict MMA on iOS and Android and create an account for free. This will allow you to score fights in real-time and compete against the community by making fight picks.

Sign up and participate through Web

In addition to our mobile apps, you can also create an account on your browser, which will allow you to score fights and make fight picks through your browser. Whether it’s Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, you can get the experience straight through your browser. Once an account has been made, you can log in through our mobile apps and web.

Join our Discord Server

If you want to get deeper into the community, hop in the official Verdict Community Discord Server to chat with fellow members of the community. There are different channels on the server for news, scorecards, fight picks, bets, and more.

Become a part of the writing team

The editorial and news section of our website is comprised entirely of talented members of the Verdict Community who have a knack for writing and expressing themselves. If you’re interested in leveling up your writing skills and becoming a member of the community, apply here.

Community Guidelines
Becoming a Discord Moderator